At The Law Office of James K. Tamke, we can help you find the information you need regarding all aspects of bankruptcy within Indiana. Sometimes it also helps to know that you are not alone. Last year over 2 million people filed for personal bankruptcy. Our firm will fight to protect your rights and your property.

At The Law Office of James K. Tamke, we help people in financial trouble understand their options, make choices, and take actions to prevent debt problems from spiraling out of control.

When you deal with our firm, as with all professionals, it is to your advantage to be well prepared and knowledgeable. Also, make sure you give The Law Office of James K. Tamke, your FULL AND COMPLETE information concerning your finances. Our firm can give you the best help and advice, but only if we have all the facts. An Indiana Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney is here to help with your bankruptcy needs.

Our Law Firm has detailed information including everything you need to know about bankruptcy laws and how to begin your road to a fresh new life. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


Contact The Law Offices of James K. Tamke today!